About Us
Everything is for our customer's looking kawaii for specially girls and looking good and sense of humor for men!"
As you may know that "kawaii!" means cute and lovely in Japanese.
We have been well known as japan-wave at ebay store for a long time and just opened kigurumi-usa.com for kigurumi lovers.
It is our 13th anniversary since our first ebay store opened in the United State and also we are selling some japanese stationeries, japanese tradional items such as Kokeshi, furoshiki, loquar wares, accessories as wholesaler.
Serving with smile ( you don't see...) helping each other (we do see), respect each other (Every body has to do) , trying to improve everyday (Yeah!!), and thinking positive (Just like apple)
As you may know that "kawaii!" means cute and lovely in Japanese.
We have been well known as japan-wave at ebay store for a long time and just opened kigurumi-usa.com for kigurumi lovers.
It is our 13th anniversary since our first ebay store opened in the United State and also we are selling some japanese stationeries, japanese tradional items such as Kokeshi, furoshiki, loquar wares, accessories as wholesaler.
Serving with smile ( you don't see...) helping each other (we do see), respect each other (Every body has to do) , trying to improve everyday (Yeah!!), and thinking positive (Just like apple)
Kozo OKada
Kigurumi-USA.com | Operated by The International Global Solutions, Inc.
Tel:201.791.1900 Fax:201-791-1938